-Apr 122 min7 THINGS THAT AFFECT YOUR VIBRATION FREQUENCY from the point of view of quantum physics.Vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. We are vibrant beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration is equivalent to a...
-Apr 91 minMoments In LifeIt's very true. And nothing is ever the same again. There is that sadness of special loss always. But different things/people come in,...
-Apr 71 minWhy Are You Here?To struggle… to pay bills… to be bored… to moan about the weather… to criticise your life or criticise others… to feel fearful of life…...
-Apr 62 minCHARACTERISTICS OF BEINGS OF LIGHT:I love this, and certainly understand it completely. I expect a lot of us do, as we light workers are here in our billions right now. I...
-Apr 42 minHave your emotions been ALL OVER THE PLACE? .....Everything feeling upside down?...Just as the moon's gravity alone has the power to move the tides across this planet ..... Astrologically......RIGHT NOW....alot is...
-Apr 31 minThe Strength In Our ScarsBe the person who cares. Be the person who makes the effort, the person who loves without hesitation. Be the person who bares it all, the...