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Negative Programming

Have you ever thought, or heard yourself saying negative thoughts about yourself or your abilities?

If so then read on....

Negative Programming

Have you ever thought, or heard yourself saying:

I can't...

It's hopeless...

Nobody ever wants...

I'm no good with...

It never works...

I can't afford...

I couldn't do...

Nobody appreciates, cares, loves...

I don't like...

 I'm useless at...

I don't believe...

It always rains, stops, fails, breaks...

I always fail at....

I'm taken for granted...

I'm not qualified to...

They always let me down...

I can never...

I'm afraid of...

I had better stop there, before I really get carried away.  You know exactly what I mean, I’m sure. That's negative programming!


The Buddhist philosophy has a saying about our thoughts.  They say :

“Thoughts are like naughty children.  They get up to all sorts of mischief when they are not being watched.  But the moment someone starts watching them, they start to behave.”

And it's true.  Our thinking patterns were laid down in very early infancy, and probably haven’t been updated, or reprogrammed since.  In other words those “naughty children” are not being watched at all, and those negative thoughts and beliefs will sabotage all your good intentions.


Let me tell you that if you believe you can’t, then I will guarantee that you are right!  You CAN'T.  But the reverse of that statement is true also.  If you think you can.

Then you are right again! You CAN. Either way, you are always right. 


Life is non-selective.  You are free to select a belief, but your life will abide by the beliefs you have selected.  Let me reiterate.  Life is non-selective.  It will bring you whatever you choose. Positive or Negative! Both yours for the choosing.  A fully-fledged adult is always free to make his or her own choices.


“Life is a self fulfilling prophecy.
Therefore be sure to prophesy what you want to fulfil”


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