Lifetimes With Before
Ninety Nine percent of the time we Reincarnate with those we have been with in Lifetimes before.
Past Lives
Future Lives
Lifetimes With Before
Create Your Own Future
Lifetimes With Before
Anyone who is, or has been, or will be in your life in any significant way, you will have known before. Whether that is your mother, father, grandparent, best friend, boss, grandchild, lover or spouse – all of them will have been with you before, and you with them.
Your roles will change and even your sex, the century, the location and the race may change; but essentially you choose to come together again and again to succeed in either what you were trying to achieve together, or to learn from each other.
Even those whom you cannot stand, you have chosen to work with again. After all if no one ever tries your patience, how will you ever learn patience? And likewise if no one or nothing ever frightens or challenges you, how will you ever learn courage, persistence, or forgiveness?
Even your worst enemies have been your best friends, for no one ever agrees to work together in this world if at base there is not love.
Quote: “All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players….” William Shakespeare
"Therefore play your own part well, and thank those alongside you for giving such convincing performances!" Vicky York
Past Lives
Future Lives
Lifetimes With Before
Create Your Own Future
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